Friday, July 13, 2007

When the Rent is Unpaid, Act Immediately!

The legal process of evicting a tenant in California for non-payment of rent is among the most streamlined of legal proceedings however, starting that process is often delayed by the hesitancy of the landlord in serving a "Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit" upon the tenant.

When a tenant has not paid the rent when due, landlords are confronted with a difficult decision as to whether a "Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit" should be served immediately or not. Although it is a troublesome decision to make, I recommend that the "Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit" be served upon the tenant right away!

The failure to serve the notice immediately may result in a tenant claiming at the eviction trial that the landlord "waived" the right to receive rent on the first day of the month,
that the landlord and the tenant
verbally "worked a deal" for rent to be
paid later in the month, or that
the landlord should be "estopped" (prevented) from demanding that the rent was due on the first day of the month because the landlord has often accepted rent late. Judges may listen to these "phantom" defenses because they have heard many cases where the landlord waited for the problem to just "go away"
or that the landlord did
indeed work out some type
of verbal "deal" with the tenant.

Prompt service of the "Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit" will hopefully eliminate the possibility of the tenant claiming a defense at a trial, set a precedent for the future that the landlord will be insisting upon prompt and timely payment of rent, and most importantly place the landlord in control of the rental payment duty of the tenant.

Gary Link, Attorney, is President of the Law Office of Gary L. Link, Inc. Since 1979, Mr. Link has represented landlords in over 35,000 eviction cases and litigated over 10,000 eviction trials. He is a member of the California Apartment Association, the Rental Housing Association, as well as a member of the local, state, and national bar associations. For questions relating to this article, call the law office at 916-447-8101. The information in this article is applicable as of 2007. Because laws may change please contact the law office to affirm continuing validity of the contents of this article.

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916-435-2424 or visit us online at or
Property Management Rocklin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.